Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Letting Your American Pit Bull Terrier Know You’re the Boss – Part 3 of 3

By Nathaniel 3X Rhine
In this article, part 3 of a 3 part series, I will continue to list some rules every American Pit Bull Terrier owners as well as other dog owners should follow to ensure your dog knows his place in your human pack. Dogs need to have a clear place in their pack. They need to know that you are alpha over them. A dog lacking in this clear order is an unhappy dog.
Rule Number Nineteen: Dogs own no possessions. Everything belongs to the human. They are all on “loan” from the human family. You should be able to handle and/or remove any item at all times from the dog with no problems from the dog. Even if you are taking a raw meaty bone out of your dog’s mouth.

Rule Number Twenty: Dogs should not be allowed to pull on the leash. When they do this they are leading the way and it is the human that need and should lead the way and show they’re higher up in the pack order. For more information on this issue please refer to my article entitled “How to Stop Your American Pit Bull from Pulling While on the Leash.”

Rule Number Twenty-One: When you put food in the food bowl that your dog eats from, he must wait until you give the “OK” to eat command. Place the bowl on the ground and tell him to wait. If he is to make a dash at the food, prevent him from doing so. Point at him and tell him in a deep voice to wait. Keep in mind that your dog is a dog, not a human. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to give a long speech to your dog. A simple command will do.
Dogs for the most part are silent communicators. They can sense when you are upset, mad, angry or even happy. They can feel your energy. Therefore, you the human must stand tall and firm and stay confident. Yes you have an American Pit Bull Terrier, but you are the alpha leader. Do not be nervous, for your dog will sense this weakness that triggers a dog to try and take over. Give your dog a command before giving him his food. If your American Pit Bull Terrier does not follow the command to sit, he does not eat. It is that simple!
About 20 minutes later, try feeding him again. Repeat this until the dog listens and obeys the command. Then invite him to eat his food.
Rule Number Twenty-Two: Your American Pit Bull Terrier should NEVER be left unsupervised with children or ANYONE who cannot maintain leadership over your dog. Period.
Rule Number Twenty-Three: To reinforce your position as the leader of the pack, make your American Pit Bull Terrier lie down and stay there for 20 to 30 minutes a day, everyday. Tell him to lie down, and then tell him to stay. If he tries to get up, correct him.
Rule Number Twenty-Four: As the alpha leader of the pack, think big and powerful, yet be calm, assertive, and consistent, especially with an American Pit Bull Terrier. They can sense, read our minds, in reading our emotions. This is the universal language of animals. Talk less, using more body language. I encourage you to pull your shoulders back and stand up straight. Your American Pit Bull Terrier will feel this. This is your number one resource when it comes to communicating with your dog. For sure, and I am speaking from personal experience, your American Pit Bull Terrier will be happy and secure knowing he has a strong alpha leader to care for him.

Chillin' After a Long Evening Walk - Part 1

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Letting Your American Pit Bull Terrier Know You’re the Boss – Part 2 of 3

By Nathaniel 3X Rhine

In this article, part 2 of a 3 part series, I will continue to list some rules every American Pit Bull Terrier owners as well as other dog owners should follow to ensure your dog knows his place in your human pack. Dogs need to have a clear place in their pack. A dog lacking in this clear order is an unhappy dog.

Rule Number Seven: One should not lie on the floor to watch TV when the dog is around and no one should roll around on the floor playing with the dog, as a human should never put himself in an equal or lesser height position than the dog. For those who have a strictly outside dog, such as I have, this rule will not apply; however, it is good knowledge to possess.

Rule Number Eight: You the owner are the one who greets newcomers and visitors first. The dog is the last that gets attention. The pack leader is the one who greets visitors and lets the other dogs know when it is safe to greet the visitor.

Rule Number Nine: If your dog is lying in your path, do not walk around the dog. Either you make the dog move or you step over the dog.

Rule Number Ten: During the time you are establishing your higher pack position, no hugs should be given to the dog by you, as a dominant dog may consider this a challenge of power.

Rule Number Eleven: If you establish eye contact with your dog, the dog must avert his gaze first. If you avert first this reinforces the dog higher power position. Tell children not to have a staring contest with a dog, as if they avert or blink first, it will reinforce in the dog’s mind, he is top dog.

Rule Number Twelve: Very dominate dogs who have a problem with growling should not be allowed to lie on your furniture, as the leader of the pack always gets the most comfortable spot. Dogs belong on the floor. If you do decide to allow your dog on the furniture, you must be the one who decides when he is allowed up and you must be the one who decides when he is to get off, by inviting him and telling him to get down.

Rule Number Thirteen: Dogs must not sleep in your bed. The comfortable bed is reserved for the human, not the dog.

Rule Number Fourteen: Your dog must never be allowed to mouth or bite anyone at any time, including in play.

Rule Number Fifteen: No tug-of-war, as this is a game of power and you may lose the game giving the dog reinforcement in the dog’s mind that he is top dog.

Rule Number Sixteen: Any attention given to your dog, including petting should be given when you decide that attention is to be given.

Rule Number Seventeen: Games of fetch or play with toys must always be started and ended by you.

Rule Number Eighteen: Dogs need to be taught a “drop it” or release command. Any object the dog has in his possession should be able to be taken away by all humans.

I shall stop here for now in order for you to digest what was said and to give you time to put into practice what was said. Part Three of this article will come in the very near future, God willing. Thank you for your attention and time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letting Your American Pit Bull Terrier Know You’re the Boss – Part 1 of 3

By Nathaniel 3X Rhine

In this article, part 1 of a 3 part series, I will list some rules every American Pit Bull Terrier owners as well as other dog owners should follow to ensure your dog knows his place in your human pack. Dogs need to have a clear place in their pack. A dog lacking in this clear order is an unhappy dog.

Sometimes a dog might not be showing signs of aggression, however the dog is suddenly showing signs of separation anxiety, such as destructive behaviours when the owner leaves the house. A dog that steals food from human hands has no respects for the human, and therefore do not see them as pack leader. A dog who questions his place in the household pack can sometimes cause him to suddenly destructive behaviors, as the dog is confused and taking his anxiety out on your house.

Rule Number One: Communicate to your dog that you are his pack leader by taking him for a walk. Not the type of walk most dog owners take their dogs on, but a pack walk, where the dog is made to heel beside or behind the owner who is taking the lead. This is most important for all dogs, especially the American Pit Bull Terrier, as in a dog’s mind, the leader always leads the way. While on the walk, the dog must not be allowed to sniff or eliminate waste anywhere he wishes, but where you the owner allow him.

One marking against a tree is enough for the male dog. The dog should be concentrating on following the human, not worried about leading the way. This pack type walk should be done daily. For the American Pit Bull Terrier, he should be walked daily at least twice and for at least 45 minutes to an hour each time out. That is a responsible American Pit Bull Terrier owner. Not only will this release built up energy, but it will satisfy the dog’s instinct to migrate, which all dogs possess. Dogs who have excessive energy bottled up inside them and who do not have their migration instinct met will develop various instability issues that most people mistaken for being breed traits.

Rule Number Two: All humans must eat before the dogs, as the leader always eats first. When you give your dog its food eat a small snack first while he is watching, lay the snack near the dog’s food so that he thinks you are eating out of his bowl (the leader always eats first). For me personally, I eat my food in my house and Soldier, my American Pit Bull Terrier, always eats outside. This rule will be applicable to those who eat with their dogs, in or outside the house.

Rule Number Three: Feedings must be at a scheduled time. There should be no self-feeding dispensers, as this allows the dog to choose when he eats. In addition, one should not allow their dog to take as long as they wish to eat either. I usually give Soldier one hour to eat. That is no than enough time. If one is to walk their dog regularly and for at least 45 minutes to an hour each outing, play games with him, for sure when it comes time to eat, he will eat as though there is no tomorrow. In other words, less than 5 minutes and he;s asking for seconds.

Rule Number Four: Humans must not allow the dog to go through any doorways, gates or any openings first. Nor shall they go or down the stairs first as well. Dogs must always go through doorways or up and down stairs after the human, as the leader of the pack always goes first.

Rule Number Five: If you are one to have your dog in the house, when you are to leave the house or the room, even for a minute and come back in the room, ignore the dog for a few minutes. If the dog is an outside dog, such as mine, one must apply the same rule when leaving the yard and returning to the yard.

Rule Number Six: A simple obedience command such as “sit” should be given before any pleasurable interaction with the dog. The human should give the dog commands at least once a day and reward with a treat when the command is followed. If the dog does not follow the command, no treat shall be given, no matter how cute the dog may be. Show the dog that he does not get anything for free. His food, water, treats, even praise/love have to be earned by doing something positive. When giving the treat, make sure the dog takes it from your hand gently. Do not tolerate a mouthy dog.

I shall stop here for now in order for you to digest what was said and to give you time to put into practice what was said. Part Two of this article will come in the very near future, God willing. Thank you for your attention and time.

Nuthin Like a Good Ole Bone - Part 2

Nuthin' Like a Good Ole Bone - Part 1

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So You Think You Can Handle an American Pit Bull?

By Nathaniel 3X Rhine

Today you have made up your mind that you think you want an American Pit Bull Terrier as your best friend? Are you sure that this is the breed of dog that you want?

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog overloaded with energy. It is always rearing to go, not matter what. Having said that, exercise is critical to a healthy

American Pit Bull Terrier.

High energy is their middle name and is part and parcel of their personality. Play, work, and activity is something one must be able to give these dogs. Ask yourself, “Am I an energetic person, always looking forward to getting into something? Or am I a couch potato and I only look forward to the television program?” If you are a couch potato it would be wise to find another breed of dog to live with, for the American Pit Bull Terrier is way out of your league.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is the Houdini of the canine world. They are able to leap tall fences with a single bound, dig under them and unlock gates that adults would have trouble with. I am not exaggerating here. They are capable of doing amazing things due to their strength and tenacity.

Therefore, if you intend on owning this amazing breed of dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier, you must take the precautions to secure their living area. I recommend having in place a 6’ fence, beware of dog signs, outdoor housing that protects them from the elements and supervision is required of this breed.

Moreover, the American Pit Bull Terrier is notorious. They have a bad name and the misinformed public is out to get them and their owners, if possible. It seems like everyday another “mauled by pit bull” story is published, diminishing one’s choice of breed.

From my own personal experience, people will dislike you for your choice of breed. Some may even try to kill your American Pit Bull Terrier by poisoning them. Others will direct comments at you as you walk your dog by saying stupid things such as, “Why do you have such a vicious dog? I thought they were banned.” Even friends and family may also be in conflict with your choice. If you intend to get an American Pit Bull Terrier, be prepared for some very rude behaviour from people, if you wish to call them such, and protect your dog by teaching food refusal from strangers. I will write about that in an upcoming article, God willing.

Training your American Pit Bull Terrier is essential. There are two methods of training. One is to train your dog by showing it how to sit, lay down and then quitting. The other method of training is a lifetime process. It begins when the puppy arrives at your home and ends with its death.

Unless you’re prepared to work with your American Pit Bull Terrier 5-10-15 minutes per day, everyday, all week, every week, all year, every year, you may want to rethink your decision of getting an American Pit Bull Terrier. In other words, if you don’t have the time nor are willing to make the time for your dog, do not get one. Period. Especially not an American Pit Bull Terrier.

If you are not prepared to train your dog, you should rethink getting any dog. Training is a fact of life and must be done in order to prevent a lot of trouble down the road. If you can not control your dog, you don’t need one.

I will shoot straight from the hip on this one and that is do you have the finances to own an American Pit Bull Terrier? Dog food, vet bills, training, leashes and collars and dog houses all cost money. Point blank, if you don’t have the money to take care of an American Pit Bull Terrier, forget about owning one. Don’t even think about. For example, I feed my American Pit Bull Terrier only raw meat. That alone runs me about $1000 per year! That is just the meat. What about vet bills, medicine, vitamins, toys, treats, shampoo, nail clippers and the list goes on. If you really want an American Pit Bull Terrier, wait until your finances are in order, if not your dog will not get the best care that he/she deserves.

Moreover, this next issue is the bombshell. If you want an American Pit Bull Terrier to impress people, to show people that you are tough or whatever, do not bring one home. You’re doing yourself and the American Pit Bull Terrier a great injustice.

The American Pit Bull Terriers are in great demand because of their all around strength, agility, great looks, and mystic. Breeders are pumping out puppies like nobody’s business. (Actually it is a business. An unjust business.)

Puppies are being neglected and bad breeding practices are producing unstable dogs. Beware before you make any final decisions. Everyday, there are thousands of American Pit Bull Terriers being put down (killed) because no one will adopt them or they are deemed “unadoptable” by shelters.

Some loving and caring individuals who love this breed have created rescues for these dogs and hundreds of dogs are available for adoption. Rescues are a win-win-win senario. You give an American Pit Bull Terrier that would otherwise not have a home, a home.

In conclusion, before you run out and buy an American Pit Bull Terrier, think very seriously about your options, make sure you have what it takes to provide and care for the dog, and take your time to find a dog that matches your desires. Thank you for your time.